Department Name
M.Sc. (Statistics), Ph.D. (Statistics)
Skill sets Expertise
Computing: R, FORTRAN, MS Office, LaTeX Software: SPSS
6 Years
Area of Interest
Sampling theory, Design of experiment, Biostatistics, Health statistics
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About your Self
Dr. P. S. Jha, a Ph.D. in Statistics from Banaras Hindu University, has published 17 research papers and a book chapter. He has presented at over 25 national/international conferences and worked on projects related to nutrigenomics and biostatistics.
His expertise includes sampling theory, design of experiments, biostatistics, health statistics, and programming languages like R, FORTRAN, and LaTeX. Currently, he serves as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Statistics at Patna College, Patna University.
Read More...Awards and Recognitions
- Qualified Common Research Entrance Test (CRET), organized by Banaras Hindu University in June 2011.
- Awarded Basic Scientific Research Junior Research Fellowship (BSR-JRF) in August 2013.
- Qualified National Eligibility Test for Assistant Professor (UGC-NET) in June 2015, organized by University Grants Commission (UGC), India.
- Awarded Basic Scientific Research Senior Research Fellowship (BSR-SRF) in August 2015.
Other Activities:
- Winner of Kabaddi, organized by Faculty of Science (Annual Games & Sports), BHU in 2007-08.
- Stood Second in Inter-class football, organized by Faculty of Science, Athletic Association, BHU in 2009-10 and 2010-11.
Research and Publication
Published Research Papers
- "Chain Type Estimators for Population Parameters Using Auxiliary Variables and Additional Auxiliary Variables". Journal of National Academy of Mathematics, 2013, 27, Pages 1-12. ISSN: 0970-5228, UGC Sr. No.-42868.
- "Improved generalized chain estimators for ratio and product of two populations mean using two auxiliary characters in the presence of non-response". International Journal of Statistics and Economics, 2014, 13-1, Pages 108-121. ISSN No.-0973-7022, UGC Sr. No.- 42833.
- "A revisit to the estimation of population mean in presence of non-response in sample surveys". International Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 2014, 15-2, Pages 61-70. ISSN No.-0973-8347, UGC-CARE List.
- "Class of estimators for the population mean using auxiliary variable and the attribute in the presence of non-response". Journal of National Academy of Mathematics, 2014. 28, P-53-61, ISSN: 0970-5228, UGC Sr. No.-42868.
- "On The Use of Coefficient of Variation and β₁, β₂ in Estimating Mean of a Finite Population". Chapter in book ‘Sampling Strategies for Finite Population Using Auxiliary Information’ Edited by R. Singh & F. Smarandache. (2015), P-39-43. ISBN No.-9781599733487, The Educational Publisher Zip Publishing.
- "A class of estimators for population mean utilizing the information on auxiliary variable and the attribute using two phase sampling scheme in the presence of non-response". Journal of Statistics Application and Probability Letters, (Sep-2015), 2 (3), P-263-273. ISSN No.- 2090-8458, UGC Sr. No.-48984.
- "Estimation of population proportion using auxiliary character in the presence of non-response". Journal of Reliability and Statistical Studies. (2015), 8-2, P-107-117. ISSN No.-0974-8024, 2229-5666, UGC Sr. No.-48410.
- "Classes of estimators for population mean using auxiliary variable in stratified population in the presence of non-response". Published in Communication in Statistics TM (2017), 46, 13, P-6579-6589. ISSN No.-0361-0926, 1532-415X, UGC Sr. No.-16260.
- "Estimation of population means based on a bi-variate sample in the presence of partial and unit non-response". International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics (2017), 56 (2), P- 91- 104. ISSN No.- 0973-1377, 0973-7545, UGC Sr. No.-2570.
- "Estimation of population proportion using two phase sampling scheme in the presence of non-response". International Journal of Applied Mathematics & Statistical Sciences (2017), 6 (1), P- 19-32.
- "Detection of Collinearity Effects on Explanatory Variables and Error Terms in Multiple Regressions". International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) (2019), 8 (6S4), P- 1584-1591.
- "The general classes of estimators for population mean under stratified two phase random sampling in the presence of non-response". International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences (2020), 16(2), P-557-565.
- "A Study of Multicollinearity Detection and Rectification under Missing Values". Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (2021), 12(1S), P- 399-418.
- "Lasso estimation in parametric frailty model". Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences (2023), 44(1), P- 1-8.
- "A Non-Destructive Deep Learning Technique for Fresh and Rotten Fruits Classification". Indian Journal of Natural Sciences (2023), 78(14), P- 1-8.
- "Helping the Farmer with the Detection of Potato Leaf Disease Classification Using a Convolutional Neural Network". Chapter in Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence (IJCACI 2022) (2023), P-341-349.
- "Machine Learning Methodology for the Recognition of Unsolicited Mail Communications". In: Mishra, A., Gupta, D., Chetty, G. (eds) Advances in IoT and Security with Computational Intelligence. ICAISA 2023. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 755.
Published Patents
- "Cyber Based Defending And Attacking Through Machine Learning Techniques" – Patent Office Journal No. 08/2022 Dated 25/02/2022, Application number 202211007940.
- "SMART VOTING SYSTEM USING BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY" – Patent Office Journal No. 11/2022 Dated 18/03/2022, Application number 202211013685 A.
- "A SYSTEM FOR IOT BASED BIOGAS LEAKAGE DETECTING DEVICE" – Patent Office Journal No. 50/2022 Dated 16/12/2022, Application number 202221070423 A.
- "SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR CYBER SECURITY THROUGH BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY" – Patent Office Journal No. 13/2023 Dated 31/03/2023, Application number 202311017949 A.