Department Name
Net, pH.D.
Skill sets Expertise
Diploma in computer
4 Years
Area of Interest
Community medicine
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About your Self
NET, Ph D, M.Phil
Awards and Recognitions
1) Rashtriya sewa ratna award, 2022
2) Merit cum Gold Medal Certificate from Banasthali University for First in order of merit at M.Phil. Examination and Secured Gold Medal.
Life time member of Indian sociological society
Research and Publication
Journal Articles
- Reproductive and Child Health of women of Indirapuram slums, Jigyasa Research Journal ISSN 0974-7648 Vol.5, No.4, Dec.2012.
- Mahila Sashaktikaran Mai Mahila Shikha ki Bhumika, Sodha Pravaha ISSN 2231-4113 Vol.2, Issue3&4, July-Oct, 2012.
- E-Learning banaam paramparik shiksha: satat vikas ki auor sarthak prayas, Prajna Journal ISSN 0554-9884 Vol. 62, No.1-2, 2016-17, pp. 66-70.
- Changing Ethical Values in Hindu Family Evidence from Dohas and Chaupais of the Indian Scholars, Pacific Business Review International, 9 (8). ISSN 0974 438X, 2017.
- Intervention of E-health in Indian Economy: Pros & Cons, Shodh Prerak international refereed journal, 3(7). ISSN 2231-413X, 2017
- Impact of Socio-economic status on reproductive health(RH), Annals of Multi-Disciplinary Research international refereed journal, 3(7), ISSN 2249-8893, 2017
- Prospect of Reproductive Health in India, Vaichariki international refereed journal, 7(3), ISSN 2249-8907, Sept. 2017.
Book Chapters
- Mahila shashaktikaran main vigyan ewam proudyogiki ki bhumika, vigyan ewam sanskriti, published by Defence Research and development organization (DECIDOC), 9788186514405, 2013.
- Kishorawastha ki chatraon par suchna proudyogiki ka prabhaw, Suchna ewam samaj, published by Defence Research and development organization (DECIDOC), 9788186514702, 2014.
Faculty Member