
Assistant Professor
Department Name
Ph.D. in Philosophy
Skill Sets Expertise
Teaching, Research, Mentoring
21 years
Area of Interest
Modern Western Philosophy
Academic Records
- Ph.D.: Supervision of Prof. Arvind Kumar Rai, Dept. of Philosophy and Religion, B.H.U., Year: 2011
- Post Graduation: 1st Division, 2006, Dept. of Philosophy and Religion, B.H.U., Varanasi
- Graduation: 1st Division, 2004, Mahila Mahavidyalaya, B.H.U., Varanasi
- Intermediate: 1st Division, C.B.S.E., A.I.S.E. Board
- Metric: 2nd Division, C.B.S.E., A.I.S.E. Board
About your Self
Dr Snehlata Kusum is an Assistant Professor in the department of Philosophy, Patna College. She has been teaching for seven years in the department. She has completed her graduation post-graduation and PhD from Banaras Hindu University. She was awarded NET JRF in 2006. She was awarded post doctoral fellowship from ICPR. Her area of interests are Vedanta and Logic. She is a passionate teacher and researcher.
Research and Publication
Eight articles in national and international journals
Awards and Recognitions
ICPR post doctoral fellowship
UGC NET JRF in 2006.
Rajiv Gandhi Post doctral fellowship .
Akhil Bharatiya Darshan Parishad
Darshan Parishad ,Bihar
Mahila Darshanik Parishad
Academic Achievement
- U.G.C. - (NET-JRF) June, 2006
- UGC Post-Doctoral Fellowship for SC/ST for the year 2011-12
- General Fellowship of ICPR (Indian Council of Philosophical Research, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India), 2013
Paper Published
Paper Number | Title | Publication Details |
1 | स्वामी विवेकानन्द की वेदान्तीय विचारधारा एवं उनकी संस्कृति दर्शन | Anusitana, Vol. 3, Year-2008, No. 1, ISSN 0973-8762, Page No. 159 to 164 |
2 | स्त्रियों की स्थिति पर स्वामी विवेकानन्द जी का विचार | Parmita, Year-3, Volume-2, July to September, Page No. 89 to 90, ISSN No. 0974-6129 |
3 | स्वामी विवेकानन्द का धार्मिक विचार | Abhivyakti, Vol II, Year-2010, Page No. 143 to 148, ISSN-0975-8801 |
4 | स्वामी विवेकानन्द के अनुसार शिक्षा-दर्शन | Aakalana, Year-2, Vol. 2, September 2011 to February 2012, Page No. 30 to 33, ISSN No. 0976-1616 |
5 | भारतीय शिक्षा समाज व संस्कृति के उपासक स्वामी विवेकानन्द | Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research, UGC-CARE Approved Group-II journal, An ISO-7021-2008 Certified Journal, ISSN No: 0022, Volume XIII, Issue 1, January 2021 |
6 | स्वामी विवेकानन्द और संस्कृतिक राष्ट्रवादी चेतना | Research Today, International Peer-Reviewed and Refereed Research Journal of Humanities & Social Science, Journal of the Society for Education & Social Welfare, Varanasi-211005(India), ISSN-2319-6947, June 2021, Page 324-326 |
Presented Paper
International Seminar
Paper Number | Title | Event Details |
1 | पर्यावरण संरक्षण और भारतीय कानून | International conference on "Issues Causing Threat to Our Environment", Dept of Veda, S.V.D.V., B.H.U., 27-29 March 2008 | 2 | जैन धर्म में आचार प्रधान संस्कृति | International Seminar on "Relevance of Shramana Tradition in 21st Century", Organized by Parshwnath Vidyapeeth, I.T.I. Road, Karaundi, February 24-25, 2012 |
3 | Practice-Based Knowledge in the 21st Century | International Indo-Swedish Seminar, Dept. of Philosophy and Religion, B.H.U., Varanasi, 14-16 November 2011 |
National Seminars
Seminar Number | Title | Event Details |
1 | स्वामी विवेकानन्द सामाजिक दर्शन एवं शिक्षा | Akhil Bhartiya Darshan Parishad, 21-23 December 2007, Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapeeth, Varanasi |
2 | वर्तमान समय में धर्म की प्रांसगिकता | Akhil Bhartiya Darshan Parishad, 8-10 November 2008, Gurukul Kangri University, Haridwar |
3 | 'मानव' विकास में धर्म की भूमिका स्वामी विवेकानन्द की दृष्टि में | National Workshop on Indian Philosophy and Religion, 17-31 March 2009 |
4 | Role of Shadchakra in Chronic Diseases in the 21st Century | Seminar on Department of Philosophy and Religion, B.H.U., Varanasi, 21-22 November 2009 |
5 | Social Equality and Cultural Philosophy of Swami Vivekananda | The Indian Philosophical Congress, 26-29 October 2010, Department of Philosophy, Gauhati University |
6 | भारतीय संस्कृति और धर्म समन्वय का प्रयास स्वामी विवेकानन्द के विशेष परिप्रेक्ष्य में | Akhil Bhartiya Darshan Parishad, 17-19 December 2010, Baba Sahib Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Muzaffarpur, Bihar |
7 | रामचरितमानस में प्रतिपादित नैतिक मूल्य | National Seminar on "Text and its Interpretation", Indian Philosophical Context, Dept. of Philosophy and Religion, B.H.U. and I.C.P.R. New Delhi, 11-13 January 2011, B.H.U., Varanasi |
8 | वर्तमान समय में संसदीय लोकतंत्र की उपयोगिता | National Seminar on संसदीय लोकतंत्र के अनुभव व प्रासंगिकता, Organized by Dr. Suresh Awasthi Smriti Nayas, 25-26 June 2011, Varanasi |
9 | गाँधीजी के चिन्तन में परम्परा एवं आधुनिकता | National Seminar on Sustainable Development: Gandhi and Modern Perspectives, 16-17 December 2016, Organized by TPS College and Ganga Devi Mahila College, Magadh University, Patna |
10 | गाँधी एवं सत्याग्रह पर्शन | 40th Annual Convention, Darshan Parishad, Bihar on the topic of चिन्तन पारा सायासह दर्शन, 25-26 November 2017, Organized by Department of Philosophy, I.N. College, Bhagwanpur, Vaishali |
11 | भारतीय संस्कृति का विकास महाकाव्यों के आलोक में | National Seminar on Research Frontiers in the 21st Century, 29-30 May 2018, Organized by Bihar National College, Patna University, Patna |
12 | वेदान्त आधारित जीवन और मूल्य स्वामी विवेकानन्द के खालोक में | 44th Annual Convention, Darshan Parishad, Bihar on the topic of विनान धारा शिक्षा, समग्र स्वास्थ्य एवं स्वच्छता माँधी दर्शन के सदर्भ में, 11-13 December 2018, Organized by J.D. Women's College, Patliputra University, Patna |
13 | भारतीय वैदिक परम्परा में पर्यावरण संरक्षण | National Seminar on पर्यावरणीय रागस्या: पारम्परिक एवं आधुनिक परिप्रेक्ष्य, Sponsored by Indian Council of Philosophical Research, New Delhi, 22-24 March 2021, Organized by P.G. Department of Philosophy, T.P.S. College, Patliputra University, Patna |
14 | महात्मा गाँधी का नीतिदर्शन एवं सर्वोदय | 66वीं राष्ट्रीय अधिवेशन, 17-21 August 2021, Organized by Department of Philosophy, Mahatma Gandhi International Hindi University, Wardha, Maharashtra |
15 | कोविड-19 के दौरान मीडिया की भूमिका जागरूकता एवं सुरक्षा | Two-Day International Webinar on Covid-19: Life Challenges and Strategies, 18-19 May 2020, Organized by PG Department of Psychology, Veer Kunwar Singh University, Ara, in association with Bharatiya Manovigyan Parishad |
Attended Seminars & Workshops
- Samvoda, 24-26 November 2006, Sadhana, Shivpur, Varanasi
- National Seminar in Parshavanath Vidhyapeeth, 21-25 December 2006, Varanasi
- Samvada, 24-26 February 2008, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
- National Workshop on Indian Philosophy & Religion, 17-31 March 2007
- Training cum Workshop on "Increasing Research Output", 14-15 November 2009, Dept. of Education, Karmachha Complex, B.H.U., Varanasi (U.P.)
- Fifteen Days National Workshop on "Sources and Fundamentals of Jainism", 12-27 March 2011, Parshwanath Vidyapeeth, Varanasi
- Two Week Evening Workshop on "Values for Integrated Human Development", Malaviya Center for Ethics & Human Values, B.H.U., Varanasi
- One Day Workshop Sponsored by ICPR on "Applied Ethics", 30th January 2019, Department of Philosophy, Patna Women's College, Patna
Administrative Experience
- Assistant Controller of Examination, Patna University
- Member of 'Internal Quality Assurance Cell'
- Member of Sports Committee for admission on the basis of Sports quota in the Session 2018-21, 2019-22 of the Bachelor of Arts of Patna College
- Programme Officer of NSS, Patna College, Patna University, Patna
- Member of Fine Arts Committee for Admission
- Member of AQAR Preparation Cell of Patna College, Patna University, Patna
- Member of Internal Complaint Committee of Patna College, Patna
- Member of Grievance Redressal Committee of Patna College, Patna
- Member of Cultural Committee of Patna College, Patna
- Member of Gender Sensitization Cell of Patna College, Patna
Orientation, Refresher Course and Training
- Orientation Course at Academic Staff College, Patna University, Patna
- Online Workshop on Effective Tools for Online Meeting and Teaching held on 29th and 30th April, 2020 organized by the Department of MCA, Patna Women's College (Autonomous), Patna University, Patna under the aegis of UGC Paramarsh
- RUSA Sponsored five-day online Faculty Development Programme "Creating Positive Work Culture: Strategy for Quality and Excellence" held from 23rd June to 27th June, 2021, organized by IQAC, Patna Women's College (Autonomous), Patna University, Patna in collaboration with St. Aloysius College (Autonomous) Jabalpur