
Department Name
Creative Writing, Theatre
7 Years
Area of Interest
Gender, Postmodernism, Ecology, Theatre
Present Status
Assistant Professor, Department of English, Patna College, Patna University, Patna
Former Assistant Professor, Department of English, Patna Women’s College, Patna University, Patna
Former Assistant Professor (Contract) in Centre for Foreign Languages (English) at Central university of South Bihar from June, 2013 to May 2016.
Educational Qualifications
Ph.D. in English, Completed in 2014
Ph.D. Topic: “Gender and Ecology in the Novels of Amitav Ghosh, Arundhati Roy, and Kiran Desai”
Ph.D. Supervisor: Prof. Anita Singh, Department of English, Banaras Hindu University
National Eligibility Test for Lectureship: Qualified (June, 2011)
Post-Graduation: Patna University, Gold Medal with 68.19%
Graduation: Patna Women’s College, Patna University, 63.4%
Intermediate: Bihar Intermediate Education Council, Patna Women’s College, 68.4%
Matriculation: Indian Certificate of Secondary Education Examination, 65.6%
About your Self
Dr Richa is an Assistant Professor in the department of English, Patna College. She has also taught at Patna Women’s College, Central University of South Bihar, Women’s Studies centres of Banaras Hindu University and Patna University in different capacities. At Patna Women’s College, she had initiated and co-ordinated two societies namely Tark Debating Society and Dakhal Theatre Society. Interested in poetry, Dr Richa has published two poetry anthologies ‘Suni Sunai Baten’ and ‘Worms on Flesh’ in Hindi and English respectively. Her poems have featured in many reputed journals including Reviews, Sunflower Collective, Das Literarisch. Her poem also features in ‘The Kali Project: Invoking the Goddess Within / Indian Women’s Voices’, an International Anthology of Female poets. She has delivered talks and lectures on national and international fora including Patna Women’s College, Patna, Guru Nanak College, Dhanbad, Atma Ram College, Delhi University, Marivanios College, Thiruananthapuram, Amity University, Ranchi, P.N. College, Parsa, Sahitya Pragya, Bhopal and Daath Voyage. She has published more than twenty articles, reviews and write ups in national and international journals, books, newspapers and magazines and has appeared for interviews on Doordarshan, Jansarokar manch and The Full Volume. She has been on the editorial board for UGC CARE listed journal, Ensemble and content writer for NOU and NSOU. She is a passionate teacher and inquisitive researcher who wants to contribute in affirmative social change.
Awards and Recognitions
Gold Medal in MA English
Young Achiever's Award, Patna Women's College
Research and Publication
- Richa. Suni-Sunai Baten. 1st ed., Shashi Prakashan, 2020.
- Richa. Worms on Flesh, AuthorsPress, 2023.
Research Articles
- Richa, "Myth and Religion: A Subaltern Study of Amitav Ghosh's Fiction". Humanities and Social Sciences: Interdisciplinary Approach 04.2 (2012): 1-3. Print.
- Richa, "Portrayal of Ecology in 'The God of Small Things' and 'The Inheritance of Loss'". The Literary Pearls (An International Refereed Research Journal of English Language and Literature 1(2013): 217-221. Print.
- Richa, "Reinforcing Patriarchy: Interpreting Sights of Violence on Women". New Fiction Journal (An International Refereed Annual) 4 (2013): 65-72. Print.
- Richa, "Samskara: A Journey Toward 'Progress' on the Landscape of Women". Journal of Rajasthan Association for Studies in English 12(2016): 93-98. Print.
- Richa, "Monk and the Monkeys: Decanonising Nature in Kiran Desai's 'Hullabaloo in the Guava Orchard'". 16.2(2017): 57-63. Print.
- Richa. "Claustrophobia in Mahesh Dattani's Night Queen". The Criterion, vol. 12, no. 2, 5 May 2021, pp. 114-120, www.the-criterion.comV12n2IN12.pdf. Accessed 23 May 2021.
- Richa. "Valmiki's Joothan and the Alternative Narratives of Reverence". Langlit: An International Peer- Reviewed Open Access Journal, vol 7, Issue 4 (Nov.22) pp. 29 to 34
- Richa. "Chugtai, Manto and their Sense of Time", Re-Markings: A Biannual Refereed International Journal of English Letters, Vol 21 No1 (2022): 109-114. Print.
- Richa. "Being, Surrounding and the Patriarchal Grammar". Langlit: An International Peer-Reviewed Open Access Journal, vol 8, Issue 3 (Mar 2022) pp. 40-44
- Richa. "DIVERSE COMMITMENTS OF SOCIAL REALISM: READING ANAND, ROY AND BHAGAT." Madhya Bharti -Humanities and Social Sciences, vol. 83, no. 13, June 2023, pp. 145-147.
- Richa, Shambhavi, M. Shaheen, and A. Akshara. "The Kapil Sharma Show: A Study of Class, Gender, and the Audience". QUEST - A Peer Reviewed Research Journal, vol. 1, no. 1, May 2023,
Chapter in a book
- Richa. "Ecotheology and the Notion of Multiculturalism in The Hungry Tide and Sea of Poppies". The Indian English Novel of the New Millennium.Ed.Prabhat Kumar Singh.Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2013. 153-159. Print.
- Richa, "The Journey of English in India: Experiments, Contradictions and the Tribal/Dalit Question". English Studies in India: Contemporary and Evolving Paradigms Ed Banibrata Mahanta and Rajesh Babu Sharma: Springer, 2019. 131-142. Print.
- Richa. "Popular Imagination in Kari". Imagining the World: Literature, Philosophy, Myth and Reality: Authorspress, 2020. Print.
Book Review
- Richa, "The Skeleton Woman by Prashant Prakash and Kalki Kochlin." Research, vol. 17, no. 1, 2017, pp. 90-92.
- Richa, "Contemporary Issues in Amruta Patil's Kari", Remarkings, Vol 23, No 1, 2024, pp. 159-160
- Unit 2, Paper 5, "Swift's 'A Modest Proposal'"
- Unit 3, Paper 5, "Gray's 'An Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard'"
- Unit 3, Paper 14, "Barthes's 'Death of the Author'"
- Unit 4, Paper 14, "Spivak's 'Feminism and Critical Theory'"
- Unit 3, Paper 14, "Baudrillard's 'Simulacra and Simulation'"
- Core course 11 (CC)11 – Mod 1 Unit 4
- Published a creative prose piece in Volcano Volume III, ISSN No 2278-8069 "SANEINSANE".
- Published a prose piece in Hindustan Times, "JUST IMAGINE", Oct 3, 2012.
- Published a Prose Piece on Arranged Marriage under the title, "Arranged Rape" online at Lehigh Valley Vanguard. (!Arranged-Rape/cmbz/559d93130cf2361ae787eeaf)
- Published a Prose Piece on body politics under the title, "Private Parts" online on Lehigh Valley Vanguard. (!Private-Parts-Public-Parts/cmbz/55bcb2610cf285bbf3023d8c)
- Published an article in The Telegraph under the title, "Chhath: At the Crossroads". (
- Published a poem, "My Body" in Reviews. (
- Richa, "Excavation" Recluse Contemporary Verses. Ed Varsha Singh, Authors Press. New Delhi 2017. Print.
- Published a poem, "Disgust" in Sunflower Collective. (
- Published a poem "Landscape" in Kali for Women.
- Published two poems,"My Body"and "Secret" in Das Literarisch vol 4, issue 1 January-June 2021 pp 42-44.
Invited Lectures/Talk/Interview
- Delivered a talk on 31.05.20 on the topic “Remembering Kamala Das” in Guru Nanak College, Dhanbad.
- Delivered a talk on 9.6.20 on the topic “Chugtai, Manto and their sense of Historical Time” in P.N. College, Parsa.
- Delivered a talk on 25.7.20 on the topic “Conversations Matter: Women, Society and Prejudice” organised by Women’s Cell, Karim City College, Jamshedpur.
- Delivered a talk on 8.10.20 on the topic “The Eighteenth Century: Industrialisation, Enlightenment and English Literature” organised by Daath Voyage, An International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in English.
- Delivered a talk on 8.03.2021 on the topic “Pitrisatta, Kal aaj aur Kal” in the Department of Hindi, Hyderabad Central University.
- Delivered a talk in a Faculty Development Programme on “Literature through the Lens of Psychology” organised by Amity University, Ranchi on 16.7.21.
- Delivered a lecture on the topic “Correlation between Cultural Heritage, Unity in Diversity and Inclusiveness” on 22.09.2021 in Confluence 2.0v, An International Student-Faculty Exchange Programme (18th Sep to 1st Oct 2021) organised by St. Aloysius College (Autonomous) Jabalpur.
- Delivered a talk on 22.01.2022 on the topic “LGBTQIA+” organised by Daath Voyage, An International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in English.
- Delivered a talk on 06.06.2022 on the topic “The Eighteenth Century: Industrialisation, Enlightenment and English Literature” organised by Daath Voyage, An International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in English.
- Delivered a talk on 27.06.2022 on the topic “Post Modern Age-II” organised by Daath Voyage, An International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in English.
- Delivered a talk on 30.01.2023 on the topic “Queer Studies” in National Lecture Series - ‘Words Unlimited’ organized by Patna Women’s College, Patna (Bihar) in collaboration with Kristu Jayanti College, Bangluru (Karnataka); General Shivden Diwan Gurbachan Singh Khalsa College, Patiala (Punjab); St. Aloysius Autonomous College, Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh), St. Xavier’s College, Jaipur (Rajasthan) and Sophia Girls’ College, Ajmer (Rajasthan).
- Delivered a talk in capacity of a panelist on the topic “Gender and Ecology” in a two-day National Seminar on “Trees and Literature: Varied Paradigms” organized by Atma Ram Sanatan Dharma College, University of Delhi on 18th-19th April, 2023.
- Conducted a Theatre Workshop on “Mental Health” as a resource person organized by Dakhal Theatre Society, Patna Women’s College on 10.05.2023.
- Delivered a lecture on “Understanding Poetry” as a part of series of lectures titled “Broadening Horizons: Exploring Divergent Avenues to Literature and Communicative English” hosted by Department of English, Mar Ivanios College (Autonomous), Thiruananthpuram, Kerala on 04.10.2023.
- Delivered a talk on the “Sahitya me Ruchi” at Prasar Bharti Doordarshan Kendra Patna on 23.11.23.
- Delivered a lecture on 16.01.2024 on the topic “Self-Imaging: The ‘Civil’ in the Civil Rights Movement” at Patna Women’s College (Autonomous).
- Delivered a lecture on “Kavita aur Parivesh” at Mantrimandal Sachivalay Vibhag in “Srijanatmak Lekhan (Kavita) Par Adharit Dwi-Diwasiya Karyashala” (A two-day workshop on Creative Writing (Poetry)) on 20.03.24 and 21.03.24.
- Delivered a lecture on “Research Plan: Approaches in Literature” on 01.08.2024 at Patna Women’s College (Autonomous).
Other Teaching Experience:
S.No. | Name of the Institution | Name of the Department | Duration |
1 | Patna Women’s College, Patna | Department of English, Department of Communicative English with Media Studies | 7th September 2009 to 5th October 2010 |
2 | Patna University, Patna | Department of English | Session 2009-2010 |
3 | Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi | Centre for Women’s Studies and Development | 18.8.2011 to 15.10.2011 |
4 | Banaras Hindu University | Department of English | 23.08.2011 to 09.11.11 |
Papers presented in Seminar/Conference/Symposium
Title of the Paper | Details of Seminar/Conference | Organised by |
Subalternity and Myth in the Select Novels of Amitav Ghosh | International Seminar Theory at Work: Text, History and Culture, November 9-11, 2010 | Banaras Hindu University, Department of English (in collaboration with Sahitya Academi, New Delhi & ICSSR, New Delhi) |
Ecotheology and the notion of Multiculturalism in Amitav Ghosh’s “The Hungry Tide” and “Sea of Poppies” | National Seminar 21st Century Indian English Novel, 5-6 February, 2011 (Sponsor: UGC, New Delhi) | Department of English & Modern European Languages, Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapith, Varanasi |
Feminist Methodology: An Ecofeminist Method with reference to Ananthmurthy’s Samskara | Symposium Feminist Methodology, 29-30 September | Centre for Women’s Studies & Development, Faculty of Social Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi |
Nature and its Theatrical Space: Decanonization and Decolonization | International Conference Decolonising the Stage: Paradigm, Practice and Politics, 15-17 November 2011 | Banaras Hindu University, Department of English |
Adaptations and explanations with reference to Deepa Mehta’s ‘Water’ | National Seminar, Text Screen Interface: Cinematic Encoding and Indian English Literature, 4-5 February, 2012 (Sponsor: UGC, New Delhi) | Department of English & Other Foreign Languages, Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapith, Varanasi |
Shifting Centre: Gender and Ecology (and the confusion of theories) in Ecofeminism and Postgenderism | National Seminar, Mediating Marginalities, 13-14 March 2012 | Centre for Women’s Studies & Development, Faculty of Social Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi |
Reinforcing Patriarchy: Interpreting Sights of Violence on Women | National Seminar, Women and Violence, 08-09 March 2013 | Centre for Women’s Studies & Development, Faculty of Social Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi |
The Circle of Reason and The Calcutta Chromosome: A Critique of Eurocentric Anthropocentrism | International Seminar, Reading/Understanding Fiction in Contemporary Times, 5-6 March 2014 | Department of English, BHU in collaboration with Sahitya Academy and ICSSR, New Delhi |
Being, Surrounding and Patriarchal Grammar | National Conference, Sustainability and Development: Implications of ELT for Individual, Society and Ecology, 3-4 April 2015 | Indian Institute of Technology, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Patna |
Experiments and Contradictions: Journey of English in India | National Seminar on English Studies in India: Changes and Challenges and Alumni Meet, Department of English Banaras Hindu University, 17th-18th November 2016 | Banaras Hindu University |
Bharat as ‘Mata’ in Culture and Constitution | International Seminar on Nation and Nationalism: Contextualising Plural Voices, 17th-18th December 2016 | Jeevanodaya Shiksha Samiti, Ghazipur, U.P. (India) |
Popular Imagination in Amruta Patil’s ‘Kari’ | National Seminar on Imagining the World: Literature, Philosophy, Myth and Reality, 27th -28th July 2019 | Guru Nanak College, Dhanbad, BBMKU, Dhanbad |
Challenges, Prospects and future of feminism in ‘Bollywood’ movies: Reading select Bollywood Movies in the last two decades | International Conference on “Toward Gender Equality: Overpowering Structural Barriers and Reclaiming Agency”, 28th and 29th October 2021 | Jagran Lakecity University |
Supernatural and Female agency: Reading Bollywood Trend | National Seminar on “Changing Media, Changing Narrative, Changing Audience: Possibilities & Challenges”, 24th January 2023 | St. Xavier’s College of Management and Technology, Patna |
Reels and Hashtags as Resistance | National Seminar on “Social Integration and Media”, 17.02.2024 | St. Xavier’s College of Management and Technology, Patna |
Orientation/Workshop/Training Programme/ Faculty Development Programme attended:
S.No. | Name of the Course | Place | Duration |
1 | 12th Orientation Course in Women’s Studies For Research Scholar/ Members of NGOs | Centre for Women’s Studies & Development | 25th November to 13th December, 2011 (15 days) |
2 | Workshop on Gender Sensitization | Centre for Women’s Studies & Development & Nirman, a non-for-profit NGO, Varanasi | 27th September 2012 to 04th October 2012 (7 days) |
3 | All India American Studies Workshop | UNESCO Chair for Peace, Malaviya Centre for Peace Research, Banaras Hindu University and Public Affairs Section, US Embassy, New Delhi | 20th -21st September, 2012 |
4 | One Day Training Programme for Human Rights | School of Law and Governance, Central University of Bihar, Gaya | 13th Feb 2015 |
5 | 127th Orientation Course | Pondicherry University, UGC-HRDC | 1st February 2019 to 28th February 2019 |
6 | Sensitization Workshop for Promotion of Research in the Universities of Bihar | Raj Bhawan, Patna | 29th May, 2019 |
7 | Faculty Development Programme on ‘Standards of Excellence in Higher Education’ | Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Patna Women’s College, Patna University | 5th -6th July 2019 |
8 | Faculty Development Programme on “Remapping the Indian Novel in English” | Kirori Mal College | 21.07.21 to 25.07.21 |
9 | Refresher Course on “Northeastern Language, Literature and Culture” | HRDC, Gauhati University | 21.02.2022 to 07.03.2022 |
10 | Faculty Development Programme on “Implementation of NEP-2020 in Humanities: Pedagogical Approaches” | ICFAI University Tripura, Faculty of Liberal Arts | 2.07.2024 to 12.07.2024 |
Other Activities:
- Visiting Poet at All India Radio.
- Edited Two Volumes III and IV of a Journal, “Volcano”, BHU, ISSN No 2278-8069
- Published an opinion piece in Volcano Volume III, ISSN No 2278-8069 titled “SANEINSANE”.
- Published a piece in Hindustan Times titled “JUST IMAGINE”, Oct 3, 2012.
- Published a piece on Arranged Marriage under the title, “Arranged Rape” online at Lehigh Valley Vanguard:!Arranged-Rape/cmbz/559d93130cf2361ae787eeaf
- Published a piece on body politics under the title, “Private Parts” online on Lehigh Valley Vanguard:!Private-Parts-Public-Parts/cmbz/55bcb2610cf285bbf3023d8c
- Blogs at:
- Published an anthology of Hindi Poems, “Suni Sunai Baaten” in October 2020, Shashi Prakashan.
- Invited for a poetry session in “Gandhiji ki Paathshala” on January 2, 2022.
- Invited for a poetry session in “Gorakh Smriti Aayojan” on January 29, 2022.
- Published an anthology of English Poems, “Worms on Flesh” in 2023, AuthorsPress.
Other Responsibilities
Tark, Debating Society, Patna Women’s College (Co-ordinator) till June 2023
Dakhal, Theatre Society, Patna Women’s College (Co-ordinator) till June 2023
French Language Course (Co-ordinator) till June 2023
IQAC Patna College (co-coordinator) since January 2024
Consultancy Work:
- Conducted a Workshop for teachers in Jamshedpur Public School on “Interpretation of Poetry and Drama” on 5.12.2018 as a resource person for Orient Blackswan.
- Conducted a Workshop on “Developing Communication Skills” in St. Paul High School, Hajipur on 16.06.2019 as a resource person for Orient Blackswan.
- Conducted a Workshop on “Communication and Pedagogy” in Dhanbad Public School on 20.07.2019 as a resource person for Orient Blackswan.